

Part 1: follow piano solo with score WITHOUT drum track
Part 2: follow piano solo with score WITH drum track
Part 3: Play-along with solo drum track.

*This video was made in the spirit of fun making and recording music at home and freely sharing online.

Related video Ravel Bolero in overhead keyboard view:

prerecorded the drum solo then played the piano part along with it using headphones. I omitted repeats in the score below which I feel is more appropriate to a piano solo.

In this recording I used the 4th harmonic pedal only invented by Denis de La Rochefordière.

Practice tips:
You may be familiar with the Black Eyed Peas song "Dum Diddly"
"Dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley dum dum diddley diddley".

To begin Bolero a good place to start is to repeat over and over:

Dum diddly
Dum diddly
Dum dum dum
Diddly dum
Diddly diddly diddly (and back to the beginning and repeat)

You can also tap on a table or a drum if you have one as you say the above.

Practice the right hand separately, then, before you play the left and right hand together as written, make a transition practice step by playing only the first note of each beat in the left hand along with the right hand. This saves tiring your left hand with repetition but still gets your hand used to finding the bass hand positions.

Free MP3 from Goggle Drive "Ravel Bolero PIANO SOLOand DRUM:

Free MP3 from Google Drive DRUM TRACK ONLY: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzwr-5tDUtSEczhoRGpWempxcXM/view?usp=sharing

In this video I play a piano solo arrangement by Roger Branga which is in the public domain and can be downloaded (free) from IMSLP Music Library:

http://petruccilibrary.ca/linkhandler.php?path=/imglnks/caimg/4/49/IMSLP21721-PMLP03667-Ravel_-_Bolero__trans._Branga_-_Piano_.pdf "

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