A Festive Ouverture - Wim Bex (concert band version)

A Festive Ouverture - Wim Bex - 4'45'' - grade 3/4

"A Festive Overture" was composed in June 2021 at the request of VLAMO, on the occasion of the relaunch of cultural life after corona.

For more than a year, the entire cultural sector was inactive because of this new virus. I expressed the euphoric feeling that dominates now that hope and perspective are gradually appearing and we can finally make music together again in a cheerful opening work - ideal for getting straight down to business, both at rehearsals or concerts.

An exuberant beginning is followed by a playful theme, light and lively, which after some variations flows over into a grateful chorale. The theme of the chorale is then rallied again a little later by fragments of the intro, after which the whole composition culminates in a spectacular finale that is linked to the beginning, the circle is complete.

https://www.bvtmusic.be/en/webshop/product/a-festive-ouverture-cb "

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